Monday, March 18, 2013

Origins of this Blog...

On December 31, 2011, the Lord spoke to me while praying about what God wanted to do in my life for the upcoming new year at a cabin in Idyllwild, CA with some of my husband and some of my dearest friends, the Lord spoke this over me: They will all be taught by God and you are one of them. Through this word, God showed me an important piece of my identity: I was one that He was teaching. He had been teaching me and He was going to continue to teach me. 2012 was going to be a year when His teaching me was going to be something that I would experience in an even greater way. Now, from 2013, when I look back, I really see how much that being one taught by God is a part of my identity and it was through His teaching me and this plan of His for my life, that my heart has been and is continuing to be transformed.

It was back at the time that God spoke to me that He had placed in my heart His desire for me to write. However, I did not listen. Finally, now, I am obeying Him. I hope that all who read will be blessed as I share the things God has taught me or is teaching me as God places it on my heart to do so. Blessings to you all, ones who are or can be taught by God!